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Recruiting through Situational testing

Recruiting through Situational testing

  In recruitment, everything starts with a need. Whether it is a replacement for an employee following a departure, a new position or a transfer, the process to follow is dense. It begins with a crucial step: the analysis of this need in terms of expected...

Evaluation in the skin

Evaluation in the skin

  Many areas require a precise diagnosis of the skills and potential of an employee and/or candidate: recruitment, internal mobility, skills development. With a professional situation, determine the strengths and areas for improvement of an employee/candidate. Carry out a precise individual diagnosis thanks to the Assessment...


8 behaviors to avoid in an assessment center

    Many of you have asked us how to behave during an assessment center evaluation. It is a fact that it is difficult to prepare for this particular day of professional situations. However, in general, there are some behaviors to avoid. So relax and follow the...


Are our presidential candidates ready for an assessment centre?

  In a context of war on our European continent, the presidential campaign clearly seems to take second place. So how can we assess the skills of the presidential candidates apart from the incumbent, whom we have already seen in action? At Apostrof, we had a...


When digital is the key to online assessment

  Thanks to the numerous digital tools, the assessment of competences and skills is almost child's play. E-Assessment is a fully online assessment process that allows for the analysis of the match between a candidate's competencies and those expected in a certain function. When evaluation rhymes...


How can an assessment centre be successfully implemented?

  The Assessment Centre is a precise method that requires mastery and, above all, real practical experience. To be advised on the dimensions to be assessed, the choice of format, the theme and the number of exercises to be combined, it is preferable to outsource this...

Why is the Assessment Centre necessarily objective?

  Let's start with a quick reminder: what is the Assessment Center? This methodology, which makes it possible to assess both the knowledge and the potential of an individual, is based on observation and behaviour during professional situations.   The Assessment Centre process   The Assessment Centre is used to...


My life as an intern at Apostrof where I discovered the Assessment Center

    Because we are convinced that internships are a real asset for any student, we wanted to share Mélanie's experience that allowed her to confirm her professional aspirations. Mélanie joined Apostrof at the beginning of 2016 on a part-time basis for a few weeks, during her...


Assess skills and potential online

    The online assessment of skills and potential helps to comply with the necessary health measures. Because even in a context of slowed down life, you all need to continue to live, work and project yourself, whether you are on the side of the employers or...