Découvrez nos prestations en France :


Recruitment for ACTILAN strengthening its policy of excellence

  About ACTILAN   ACTILAN was set up in Lyon more than 15 years ago, and provides support to companies with the installation, upgrade and maintenance of their IT systems. ACTILAN has since expanded its services and its team, which looks after Infrastructure, IT and Telecoms equipment and development...


Recruiting and retaining the best talent

  A changing economic environment for businesses has made business leaders more aware of the increasing importance of their human resources. Financial and technological investment are no longer enough to give companies the edge in markets where technologies and prices are more or less uniform. As a result,...


Tips to find the Right Recruitment Agency in France?

  There is no question that recruitment is a long, difficult and expensive process. Most recruitment is carried out by companies internally, but in some cases, it can be more cost effective to use external service providers. Finding exactly the right person for a job is not an...


The psychosocial risks out to get you: burnout vs boreout

  There’s no longer a taboo about burnout (1). This type of professional exhaustion is a depressive state associated with having an excessive workload and/or suffering from stress. Although originally associated with the caring professions, it is now recognised that it affects people in all types of job. It is triggered...


Assessment Centers serving the HR strategy

  Assessment centers are an assessment technique using simulations to assess a person’s skills and potential. The assessment process is based on real-life situations and on observing behaviour in workplace scenarios to predict a person’s chances of success in a particular post (as part of a recruitment and/or internal mobility process) and that...


The assessment center, an inside view by TNT Express

  The assessment center is a technique used for skills assessment and for detecting potential using role-play situations. At Apostrof, we often use this technique for assessing candidates. In the article Behind the scenesof an Apostrof Assessment Center  we looked at the key points of this type of...


Use your network of contacts effectively for recruitment?

  Recruiting the right person for the right job can become a real headache for HR departments and CEOs when the skills you need are in short supply. These rare skills can sometimes be found a long way from the job market, which is where recruiters normally look. This can be...


Before heading into the interview: what you should know

  The interview is your first meeting with your future employer. You should therefore approach it professionally, as if you were already working as part of the team welcoming you. To stack the odds in your favour, you need to prepare for this decisive moment by learning about the company. As the aim...


Everything you wanted to know about Assessment Centers

  Do you need clearer vision when recruiting internally or externally? Would you like to have a proper diagnosis of an employee’s skills and potential? Based upon the Assessment Center methods, Apostrof's methodology involves setting up a series of exercises closely resembling the working environment of a particular job,...


Developing your communication skills

  Developing communication skills is essential in business, as well as in personal and family life. Indeed, communication is central to our daily lives where our relationships are based on exchanges and interactions.   Communication skills   Investments in means of communication have never been so high, whether in terms...