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CARGLASS renews its assessment method

CARGLASS renews its assessment method

  As part of the recruitment of its Top Managers, CARGLASS® has asked APOSTROF to build a new assessment platform by putting them into professional situations. The aim is to develop role-playing exercises that partly recreate the reality of the group's business sector, as well as...


When digital is the key to online assessment

  Thanks to the numerous digital tools, the assessment of competences and skills is almost child's play. E-Assessment is a fully online assessment process that allows for the analysis of the match between a candidate's competencies and those expected in a certain function. When evaluation rhymes...


How can an assessment centre be successfully implemented?

  The Assessment Centre is a precise method that requires mastery and, above all, real practical experience. To be advised on the dimensions to be assessed, the choice of format, the theme and the number of exercises to be combined, it is preferable to outsource this...


When the Assessment Center meets the challenges of talent management

    Talent management has become a priority issue for companies, reinforced by a balance of power that is no longer always in favour of the employer. While it is usual to assess an employee's skills, it is more difficult to detect his or her potential as...

The 3 tools of talent mapping

    Most companies dream of recruiting talent. But what exactly are we talking about? This vision is sometimes a real nebula with a very particular vocabulary. As many of you have asked us, we propose to guide you. To do this, we review the most relevant...


MEDIAN Technologies strengthens its management skills

  To meet the strategic challenges of organising and leading internal teams, MEDIAN Technologies turned to Apostrof as part of a process of evaluating managerial skills and the potential to be developed. MEDIAN Technologies   MEDIAN Technologies is a pioneer in the field of medical image analysis. Harnessing the power...


The history of the Assessment Centre

Initially used during the First World War, the Assessment Centre was born in the military world. At the time, the Germans used this technique to select their officers. The British army followed suit and decided to experiment with this approach. During the Second World War,...

Why is the Assessment Centre necessarily objective?

  Let's start with a quick reminder: what is the Assessment Center? This methodology, which makes it possible to assess both the knowledge and the potential of an individual, is based on observation and behaviour during professional situations.   The Assessment Centre process   The Assessment Centre is used to...


AHLSTROM MUNKSJO Assessing Executives’ Potential in Industry

  Apostrof supports Ahlstrom-Munksjö in the managerial (re)positioning of executives and managers. In addition to evaluation, the aim is to assess the individual's potential to develop within the company. Finally, the state of mind of the people integrated into Ahlstrom-Munksjö is of primary importance in the...