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The place of Behaviour in Assessment Center



Virginie Graziani

Talent Management & Synergologist

28 May 2019

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Assessment centre is a concept that makes it possible to assess skills and look for potential. The method to do this entails observing behaviours in a professional situation. Though, sometimes, some wonder what the difference is between behaviours and behaviourism.


Observation based on behaviours


By creating professional scenarios,  assessment centre makes it possible to observe behaviours in action. An individual in a work situation will demonstrate a register of behaviours connected with his/her mode of functioning and depending on the kind of interaction with the other person.

Observing then analysing these professional practices offers the person being assessed an amazing opportunity for feedback. A way for any employee to have an outside opinion on his/her attitude in the professional environment. However, the focus on behaviours is very different from the “behaviourist” school of thought.


Behaviour vs. behaviourism


Behaviourism is a school of thought widely known through the experiment of Ivan Pavlov. His stimulus-response experimental protocol was used as a paradigm for psychology both in Russia and in the United States as well as in Europe. Considered the father of this doctrine, he studied observable behaviour and based his theory on the fact that behaviours are a response to environmental events.

The idea is to only take into account the visible aspects of attitudes and to analyse them as a systemic process. According to the behaviourist theory, our responses to stimuli in our environment generate our behaviour. Consequently, our attitudes can be changed. For example, an external action can change our register of gestures.


Decoding behaviour to develop


From a pragmatic perspective, our behaviours are bound to be partly linked to what we are,  but they are also connected to our ability to form relationships with others, to adapt to others and to situations. Assessment centre fully illuminates professional, personal, relational and managerial attitudes.

This individual diagnosis also gives details of the areas that need to be worked on and gives recommendations for developing skills that are still a little shaky, as well as the potential of an individual. Finally, the undeniable advantage of this assessment and development practice is that it enables the person being assessed, after in-depth feedback, respecting an authentic dimension based on feelings, to become aware of the situation, taking into account the emotions of all parties.




Explore how an individual will perform in the future : Discover our Assessment Center based on simulation of a professional environment.

If you’d like to learn more about assessing and developing your leadership team, get in touch with us, fill in the contact form below.

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