Using some Situational Judgement Tests (SJT) is a good opportunity to professionalize the way you select profiles. Let’s go deeper to evaluate benefits and limits of the SJTs.
Values for Selection
The Situational Judgment Tests can help in selection and recruitment by saving time and ressources. The Situational Judgment Tests assess skills, not knowledge. Therefore, it is a way to speed up the preselection process. No preparation is required for applicants which will have relevant feedback on SJT, even if they are not shortlisted.
The scenarios provide a realistic overview of the position, specially when assessments are tailored-made. SJTs give a great opportunity to the applicants to appreciate whether the values and the business suit them. Usually, SJTs are combined with other assessment tools in order to have a global view on applicants. The predictive validity is higher for SJTs’ than for personality tests. Indeed, SJTs are less expensive regarding the ressources needed. This makes SJTs a cost-effective tool for screening processes, whatever it is on paper or online.
SJT’s limits for Recruiting
The predictive validity is lower for SJTs’ than for Assessment Center Methods. Indeed, Assessment Center Methods use individuals’ interaction whereas the SJTs statements are necessarily brief (between 5 and 12 lines usually). As a result, some candidates may lack material to project themselves into the situation described. Therefore, this can sometimes reduce realism of scenarios and limit a full assessment.
As mostly SJTs are online nowadays, automatic report is sent to applicants. However it can not take place instead of a deep interview. Significant feedback should be validated by candidates. Applicants’ answers could show knowledge of some professional practices, without really revealing candidate’s way of working. Therefore, most of the time Situational Judgment Tests are often backed up with other exercises : in basket (used in Assessment Center) or abstract reasoning aptitude tests in order to be part of a process.
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