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Talent mapping: a key point to talent management



Virginie Graziani

Talent Management & Synergologist

10 February 2022

Reading Time: 4 minutes



On a day-to-day basis, management and human resources teams must work together to implement a talent management approach. However, between good intentions and practical implementation, many of you ask us about the operational side of implementing talent management in the company. We suggest that you take a closer look at the analysis, evaluation and classification processes that enable talent to be measured. The operational objective is to manage your employees in the best possible way.

Talent Management via the assessment of potential

It all starts with the assessment of talent. Performance must be distinguished from potential. This concept is sometimes difficult to integrate for some managers. To measure performance, monitoring objectives and their indicators are generally effective.

On the other hand, the company must be clear about what it defines as potential. This step is more complicated, as it requires a vision of the skills of tomorrow. Indeed, the objective is to determine which skills are essential for the company to continue growing.

To facilitate this work, the ‘core’ competencies remain a safe bet. We suggest that you classify them into three categories: personal skills, interpersonal skills and leadership skills.

The process of assessing skills and potential uses different means and tools, depending on the company’s objectives. In order to survey your potential employees, a few fundamentals must be respected.

Once the identification of potential has been carried out on an individual basis, the next step is talent mapping. The concept of talent mapping will take into account the team, a company department or a business unit. It is based on both the (acquired) skills and the potential of the teams.

The individual objective is to diagnose strengths and areas for development, as can be done in an assessment centre for example. At the collective level, it is a matter of setting up succession plans or planning promotions and/or training. The aim is to retain internal talent. To do this, professionals use matrices.

The usefulness of the matrix in Talent Management

In mathematics, matrices are tables that are used to interpret theoretical results in an operational way. Without going into academic detail, the purpose of a matrix is to visualise a phenomenon. The best-known matrices have two axes for decision-making purposes.

On the management side, the most widely used is the matrix derived from the situational management theory of Hersey and Blanchard. It enables each employee to be classified according to his or her level of skills and motivation.

Thus, the matrix refines the knowledge of the needs of each employee and allows the management style to be personalised according to the person being managed. However, it is clear that this matrix is more useful for managers than for projecting employees into the next stage of their career.

With regard to potential management, the 9-box matrix is used to position the talent pool of a company. This is based on the performance and potential of each individual. This tool is widely used to assist in career review processes (PeopleReview).

The 9 box is therefore jointly completed by the N+1 and the company’s human resources. Again, its use will differ from one organisation to another. The 9-box matrix helps to identify the individuals with the highest potential. But it also identifies those who need development and/or coaching to improve performance.

What is Talent Management?

Talent management covers all actions taken to attract, integrate, retain and develop talent within a company. Thus, the distinction between approach and tools is above all a question of consistency for the implementation of the process internally.

HR is a guide in the implementation of talent management. It is responsible for this and can challenge the entire organisation to achieve the desired level. However, Talent Management must first and foremost be driven by management’s desire to align skills with the strategy to be pursued.

Talent Management is one of the areas of forward-looking employment and skills management. This new approach to managing individuals and their careers allows you to capitalise on the skills and potential of your employees.

Talent management has been around for a long time in organisations. It is a real growth driver for the company and is a fully-fledged HR strategy that boosts the company’s strategy.


About the Assessment Center

The Assessment or Development Center are methodologies that use a professional situation. The objective is to carry out a precise diagnosis of the strengths and areas for improvement of a candidate or employee. In the context of recruitment, this stage enables the company to advise on a suitable integration plan for the individual’s personality and skills. Also, having a global vision of talent is essential to prepare a new organisation within a company. In the case of internal mobility, the assessment includes specific recommendations on a development plan.


Whatever your objectives, we can help you attract, motivate and find the right talent. To contact us, use the contact form or write to us directly at contact@apostrof.fr



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RH Consulting – Talent Management
Scientific evaluation of skills and potential

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