The Assessment Center is a tool as rich as it is unknown, on the side of the company as well as on the side of the candidate or collaborator. To answer the questions that our team meets frequently in the practice of their expertise in France and abroad, we unveil to you today the 3 incomparable major assets of this approach we must handle with skill in order to reach the best outcomes.
An important predictive value
Even if no selection procedure offers a total guarantee, an evaluation by Assessment Center increases the reliability and therefore the chances of success in the selection. Predictive validity studies[1] have clearly highlighted the reliability of this method: success predictions are verified at 75% and failure predictions at 94%.
When certain key success factors are implemented, the different physical situations of an Assessment Center constitute a reliable prediction of the performance of a candidate or collaborator as part of a future function. The sequence of varied exercises makes it possible to multiple observations, in order to have a reliable idea of the skills of the participant and thus to reinforce the legitimacy of a decision.
An accurate individual diagnosis
Secondly, the purpose of an Assessment Center is to have precise indicators to argue the suitability of these candidates for a given position. Furthermore, the debriefing with the assesses leads to a better understanding of operational behaviours. The goal is then to co-construct a shared diagnosis that involves the participant in our development recommendations.
At Apostrof, your consultant provides you with some findings within 24 hours and you receive a complete summary within the 5 days following the Assessment Center which helps to put into perspective an oral presentation of the strong elements of the session.
Fair evaluation, a guarantee of objectivity
Another great benefit of Assessment Centre method is objectivity. Indeed, when Assessment Center is use for selection (recruitment or mobility), the assessors have no knowledge at all about the participant: they do not have his resume and even some time they do not even know about his position into the company. At Apostrof, our assessors discover a profile by observing his behaviour.
Thus, men and women have equal chance. In order to ensure objectivity as well as a consistent procedure, each observed behaviour is recorded and scored by different experienced assessors. For our team, each final finding is the result of an in-depth discussion among assessors on the candidate’s performance.
For development purpose, the Assessment Center method is relevant, as all role playing are easily linked to professional situations and to the position they apply for. Indeed, personality inventories or traditional psychometric tests would seemed less comprehensible for candidates.
[1] The most well-known validity study was conducted in the USA in 1957, in the company AT & T. The results of the Assessment Centres of a group of young graduates have been kept secret in order to check their validity without the possibility of having an influence on the careers of its collaborators. Ten years later, between 75% and 82% of those who had reached Middle Management positions had been correctly identified, just as 94% of those who remained at the lowest level of management had been correctly identified by the evaluators.
Explore how an individual will perform in the future : Discover our Assessment Center based on simulation of a professional environment.
If you’d like to learn more about assessing and developing your leadership team, get in touch with us, fill in the contact form below.