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The Assessment Center: a lever for Talent Management



Virginie Graziani

Talent Management & Synergologist

19 January 2023

Reading Time: 3 minutes



Today, organisations have understood that talent management has become one of the areas of forward-looking employment and skills management, alongside other HR issues such as payroll, personnel administration and time management. Talent management has been around for a long time in organisations, but it has not been given a broad enough label to be seen as a real growth lever for the company.


Talent Management boosts business strategy


This new way of managing people and careers allows you to capitalise on the skills and potential of your employees, ideally with a flexible system that can be deployed both internally and during external recruitment sessions.

Talent management can cover different job levels or statuses depending on the segmentation established by the company.

The monitoring of a talent pool is also a function of the company’s strategy and the budget dedicated to talent management. Thus, executives, high potentials and key positions are the first to be served.

However, it is important to bear in mind that the approach taken in this way only covers part of the company’s potential.



The Assessment Centre: a lever for Talent Management


The notion of potential is distinct from talent in the strict sense of the word and refers to an individual’s ability to develop. It should be noted that when assessing a person’s potential, it is important not only to identify his or her motivations but also the resources available for development.

The Assessment Centre is based on the principle of simulating a professional environment in order to assess an individual’s full potential. In addition to specialist knowledge, the Assessment Center provides a sharp look at personal, relational and leadership skills.

At Apostrof, we put our expertise at your service. Many of you have asked us for a practical guide to talent management in companies. So after a bit of brainstorming and several weeks of work on the subject, the result is finally here: a brand new white paper dedicated to this theme that is so dear to our hearts!



About the Assessment Center


The Assessment or Development Center are methodologies that use a professional situation. The objective is to carry out a precise diagnosis of the strengths and areas for improvement of a candidate or employee. The objective is to carry out a precise diagnosis of the strengths and areas for improvement of a candidate or employee.

In the context of recruitment, this stage enables the company to advise on a suitable integration plan for the individual’s personality and skills. Also, having a global vision of talent is essential to prepare a new organisation within a company. In the case of internal mobility, the assessment includes specific recommendations on a development plan.

The Assessment Center: a lever for Talent Management



Whatever your objectives, we can help you attract, motivate and find the right talent. To contact us, use the contact form or write to us directly at contact@apostrof.fr



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RH Consulting – Talent Management
Scientific evaluation of skills and potential

Expert in the evaluation and development of resources, skills and potential, Apostrof helps you make the right decisions regarding recruitment, annual interviews, professional training, organisation of operational staff, career management and professional development, succession plans and high potential..

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