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Millennials make way for the Alphas

    After generations X, then Y and finally Z, the Alpha generation is starting to be talked about. A concept created by the Australian demographer Mark McCrindle. It corresponds to children born after 2010, who are the children of the Millennials or Ys. Even if it...


Octomine, the barometer to monitor the social mood

  At the moment, it is not always easy to know how the employees of a company are doing, what they are feeling, to measure team commitment to a project, to find out the impact of decisions made, etc. Yet, there is no greater wealth for...


How to attract and retain millennials?

  Millennials or 'Generation Y' are people born between 1980 and 1995. Reputedly unstable and difficult to manage, it is not always easy to know how to manage this new generation of young workers. So how do you convince these future talents to come to your...


5 wounds that prevent you from being yourself – Lise BOURBEAU

    A complete guide to our intimate flaws    With her second best-seller, Canadian author Lise BOURBEAU aspires to unveil the intimate flaws that shape our lives and personalities. Designed as a simple and practical guide, the book actually makes it possible to identify in ourselves, as well as...


The Origins of Transactional Analysis

    The new approach developed by psychiatrist Eric Berne (1910-1970)   The father of Transactional Analysis (T.A.), Eric Berne graduated in medicine and then went on to train in psychiatry and psychoanalysis. As a psychiatrist in the medical corps of the US Army, his first interest was intuition....


The long working days of senior managers and executives

  Do you feel like your working day never ends, even when you’ve left the office? Do you regularly deal with personal issues when you’re at work or even in business meetings? Then you’ve joined the connected executives club. Welcome to the era of blurring, which signals a...


So, what’s all the fuss about Slow Business?

  Slow Business means working less to work better. It’s about managing your own time and your team’s time better by stopping running around after it. This new trend recommends a better work/life balance to achieve greater efficiency at work. It makes quite an appealing slogan!   Slow Business = Working slowly?   Contrary...