Découvrez nos prestations en France :

NESTLE and Assessment Managers



Virginie Graziani

Talent Management & Synergologist

28 January 2025

Reading Time: 6 minutes



NESTLE calls on Apostrof to assess managerial potential. Thanks to the Assessment Center, the French part of the leading food company enriches its decision-making process for internal and external recruitment. Virgnie GRAZIANI uses a wide range of managerial profiles to design and organize situational scenarios adapted to the context of each NESTLE entity and to the set of skills to be tested..

Complete your knowledge:
The White Paper: The Assessment Center, a lever for Talent Management.


Assessment Center, managerial assessment


The NESTLE France teams wanted to carry out a greater number of assessments, both for new internal profiles and as part of the recruitment process.

The Group wanted to strengthen and adapt the internal and external recruitment process for all managers and graduate programs. In fact, NESTLE wanted to assess managerial skills at an early stage, in order to detect the development potential of its employees.

When recruiting for the Graduate program, NESTLE had experienced a number of shortcomings in the positioning, height and ability to manage a small team of certain candidates.

The annual appraisals showed that there was a gap between the operational position and the three existing managerial strata within NESTLE:

  • First-time managers,
  • Confirmed managers,
  • Top managers.

Managers’ and HR’s interest in the Assessment Center


For the NESTLE management positions and Graduate program, the HR team wanted to identify skills that would eventually enable them to take up a position on a management committee.

Indeed, a job interview, even an in-depth one, is both so rich in content and so fast-paced, that it limits the possibility of delving into certain dimensions.

So NESTLE wanted an innovative approach to assessing the potential and Soft Skills included in their reference framework. Whether for the Graduate program or for all management levels, the Group’s objective is to build up its “internal pool” of talent.

At the time, NESTLE worked with a single service provider. The aim was to work with a new partner capable of delivering the same level of quality to a population more widely concerned by talent identification. The group attached great importance to behavioral assessment, without having to resort to computerized tests.


Feedback from NESTLE managers and HR staff


“ The upstream briefing with Apostrof encourages some managers to clarify and/or ‘refine’ the skills they are looking for, particularly in terms of soft skills.

The assessment feedback draws the manager’s attention to the candidate’s strengths and areas for improvement. It also draws attention to the expectations of new generations in relation to the management styles of experienced managers.

Thanks to a synthetic SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats), the manager can confirm or refute his or her hypotheses. This reassures them in their decision-making.

At the end of the process, both parties (the manager and the candidate) have a direct development plan to implement when the employee is hired.

Feedback is unanimous. As the assessments are made to measure by adjusting the skills to be surveyed and the context, they enable a more in-depth assessment of an individual, both internally and externally.

We appreciate the oral comments on the summaries, which are constructed with a written part and a more visual part. This simplifies appropriation and comprehension.

Indeed, in a one-hour interview, as a recruiter, we observe a number of things: aspects of personality or a way of working in relationships. The feedback from Apostrof’s Assessment Center enables us to go deeper into certain assumptions made throughout the hiring process.

Apostrof’s strength lies in its ability to adapt this innovative process so as to be able to carry out assessments remotely, by video, in the context of COVID. Virginie’s strength lies in having a talent pool of experienced consultants. This enables us to respond reactively and tailor-made to our needs.”

Audrey CARPENTIER, Senior Talent Acquisition Partner at NESTLE ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


Feedback from employees and candidates


Most of the profiles assessed are initially surprised by this new approach. Unaware of the methodology, they are curious and ask many questions about how it works.

The majority are very interested in discovering Assessment. Indeed, they quickly realize that it represents a development opportunity.

A minority of candidates are surprised because it seems to lengthen the recruitment process with an additional step. However, after the event, candidates appreciate the concept, as well as the dedicated support they receive throughout the process.

“Very good contact with Virginie, the experience is very interesting, which goes well beyond the very “academic” assessments I’ve done in the past.”

Candice A. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

I particularly appreciated the richness of the interviews and the scenarios. The feedback at the end of each exercise in the Assessment Center is organized in such a way as to be beneficial to us, even if working on oneself is never easy.”

Charles M. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


NESTLE the leading food company


NESTLE is the world’s largest food company, with a presence in 191 countries and over 2,000 major brands.

Driven by the ambition to improve quality of life and contribute to a healthier future, the NESTLE story has been written in France for over 150 years. Across the country, the Group employs over 10,000 people at 18 industrial sites, 19 distribution centers and 4 research and development centers.

Because employees are the group’s most valuable asset, NESTLE offers a dynamic and inclusive international working environment with numerous opportunities in different business sectors, functions and regions of the world, working with different teams and cultures.


Assessment Center methodology


The Assessment Center is a methodology that uses work situations to assess the skills and potential of an employee or candidate. The aim is to understand the underlying dynamics of personal, relational and managerial behavior, in order to predict a person’s ability to succeed in a given position.

For an existing employee, this process can be carried out prior to training, as part of an internal mobility or management transition, or as part of the implementation of a new organization, based on the skills and development potential of an individual and the complementarity of a team.



Why do we sometimes talk about Development Center?


The Development Center is a professional assessment approach identical to that of the Assessment Center, this time with a focus on the development of skills.

The difference lies solely in the objective. The Assessment Center allows for assessment in order to select, while the Development Center uses the precise diagnosis obtained through this technique to target an individual’s areas for progress. It is therefore an opportunity to offer recommendations for improving skills.

This can take the form of coaching and/or training while highlighting the resources available to an individual. These recommendations are divided into three parts: those that concern the employee directly, those intended for his or her manager and HR.

The Assessment Center: a lever for Talent Management



Whatever your objectives, we can help you attract, motivate and find the right talent. To contact us, use the contact form or write to us directly at contact@apostrof.fr




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Scientific evaluation of skills and potential

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