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APERFUN First TV appearance

APEROFUN prepares for its first TV appearance

  AperoFun is the story of a first product imagined in the head of the start-up's CEO: a floating bar for enjoying aperitifs with friends in the pool. The company was barely a few months old when it found itself thrust into TV by chance. ApéroFun...

The art of non-verbal communication

The art of non-verbal communication

  Communication is everything we express from head to toe, whether it's our speech or our body language. Our bodies speak naturally and provide keys to understanding the emotions and intentions of the person we are talking to, as well as facilitating the relationship. Our gestures...

Greetings, handshakes: territory in body language

Greetings, handshakes: territory in body language

  Our body speaks without us knowing it, sometimes long before we express ourselves in words. This is the case when we enter a room and/or face an interlocutor. The way we greet says a lot about us. Our handshake reveals our ability to reach out...

Developing charisma through non-verbal communication

Developing charisma through non-verbal communication

  Charisma is a valuable asset in certain roles, especially for leaders, managers or anyone who has to speak in front of an audience and convince or interest them. However, it remains a rather subjective concept when it comes to defining it, even if it is...

When the body says what the word does not say

When the body says what the word does not say

  From the head to the feet, from the hands to the chest, every part of our body expresses itself, giving off a multitude of non-verbal signs. Our body movements and our gait tell us about our psychological and emotional disposition. The pace, speed of movement,...


SALVEO gains impact through non-verbal communication

  Within the framework of a very large-scale project, SALVEO asked APOSTROF to help them improve their communication and gain in impact. Thanks to a tailor-made intervention and to Virginie GRAZIANI's sharp expertise, the Chaîne de la Croissance reached its objective of sharing with as many...


How to read the gestures of others?

  We are constantly communicating with our bodies in an unconscious way. It is completely natural to us. All psychologists agree that this body language is much more important than our verbal communication. Indeed, the non-verbal language sends out many signals, whether through our gestures or...


Developing your communication skills

  Developing communication skills is essential in business, as well as in personal and family life. Indeed, communication is central to our daily lives where our relationships are based on exchanges and interactions.   Communication skills   Investments in means of communication have never been so high, whether in terms...