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When our five senses enable us to develop a brilliant project!



Virginie Graziani

Talent Management & Synergologist

19 September 2017

Reading Time: 3 minutes

You’re bound to have come across products or shops you really like without realising that the colours displayed, the music and the smell create a particularly pleasant environment. This is all because, as humans, we respond to stimuli based on our past but also on the emotions we feel in the present.

So how do experts decipher our perceptions on the basis of our behaviour?


This is the purpose of a new marketing approach known as sensory marketing, which aims to explain and indeed anticipate most of our purchasing behaviour. Sensory analysis studies the properties of a product perceived by our five senses, beyond just the functional characteristics of the product in question.

It’s now an undisputed fact that all five senses play a part in our system of perception as humans. Everything is interpreted through them: the features of the product, the communication about the product, and the environment in which the product is marketed. It’s about creating a specific ‘multi-sensory atmosphere’ that encourages buying behaviour.

Whereas traditional marketing was based on the principle that customers evaluate the functional characteristics of products, sensory marketing takes account of the customer’s experiences (sensory, emotional, cognitive, behavioural and relational). Sensory analysis is now an important tool in many business sectors, such as the food industry, cosmetics, etc.

The company Ligne de Force has really grasped this. A specialist in observing and interpreting the way people actLigne de Force has just set up six months ago a brand new 100-m² laboratory for behaviour observation equipped with leading-edge technologies (televised control room, HD camera with image intensification, spectrogram equipment for voice analysis, thermal camera, etc.), which ensure behavioural signals are reliably captured.


How are your reactions measured? And how is the impact of these things on your behaviour analysed?


Ligne de Force’s skill lies in its modelling of emotions and its creation of a scale of emotional intensities that are used to characterise the type of emotion produced by the person’s sensory perception, either separating out or combining the emotions assigned to each of the five senses.

An analysis of emotions shows how a customer feels about a product or service in terms of their imagination and aspiration and how their purchasing behaviour is affected by objective and subjective criteria, and how they consume the product. This emotional pathway analysis identifies the decision-making process for the purpose of predicting whether or not a purchase will take place.

According to Ligne de Force, the aim is to assist R&D and/or marketing services with creating product ranges and determining the emotional register for any communication.

By talking to all of our five senses, sensory marketing creates an intimacy with a product or brand. Companies that take an interest in the preferences of their consumers and anticipate their needs are therefore likely to get ahead in their markets.




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